Worse News: 90s Action Star Daniel Bernhardt cast in the new Deathstalker movie!

Posted: 05/03/2024 in Worse News
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After a successful Kickstarter campaign for the Deathstalker comicbook (via Vault Comics/ Slash Presents) we could sense a possibility of a new Deathstalker movie in an air. If fact the comic was first sign of life for the Roger Corman- created property in more than 33 years!

And now it comes to pass– new Deathstalker movie is in pre- production and about to start filming very, very soon.


Hopefully the official poster will look exactly like this

Stalwart of the 90s Martial Arts cinema (Bloodsport II,True Vengence, Perfect Target) Bernhardt transitioned into more of a badass villain roles in ’00s starting with Matrix Reloaded all up to John Wick, Parker, Atomic Blond and most recently Extraction 2. In recent years he also branched out as a Action Choreographer working on such films as Creed 2, Nobody and again Extraction 2.

Filming is about to start in late April written and directed by Steven Kostanski (Psycho Goreman, The Void) and I sure hope someone saved those pigmen costumes, ’cause it wouldn’t be a Deathstalker movie without them! (Hopefully the OG Deathstalker Rick Hill can make an appearance too.)

  1. […] after the beginning of production Raven Banner is launching sales at Cannes and we now have an official photo of Daniel […]


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